Sigmund Freud Culture Prize

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The Sigmund Freud Culture Prize is awarded every two years to non-psychoanalysts who take up and use psychoanalysis in a creative and critical way. The prize, endowed with 3,000 euros, is awarded by the German Psychoanalytical Association and the German Psychoanalytic Society .

Award winners

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Invitation to award the Sigmund Freud Culture Prize 2015 to Georges-Arthur Goldschmidt. German Psychoanalytic Society, archived from the original on September 17, 2017 ; accessed on September 17, 2017 .
  2. INVITATION TO THE AWARD OF THE SIGMUND FREUD CULTURAL PRIZE OF THE DPV and DPG 2017. PRIZE WINNER : Prof. em. Dr. Dr. hc Bernhard Waldenfels (Bochum). German Psychoanalytic Association, archived from the original on September 17, 2017 ; accessed on September 17, 2017 .
  3. Klaus Grabska, Maria Johne: Sigmund Freud Culture Award. In: German Psychoanalytical Society. May 31, 2019, accessed on June 11, 2020 ( laudation ).