Sigurður Jónsson (Author)

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Sigurður Jónsson frá Arnarvatni (* 1878 on the Helluvað farm on Mývatn ; † 1949 ) was an Icelandic poet .


His parents were Jón Hinriksson, himself a poet, and his third wife, Sigríður Jónsdóttir frá Arnarvatni. Sigurður grew up on the Hellivað farm in an educated family. He took his final exam at Möðruvallaskóli and then became a farmer on the Arnarvatn farm, which he ran from 1902.

Since his youth he was very involved in social matters and was temporarily vice chairman of the Samband íslenskra Samvinnufélaga association.


Although only two volumes of poetry have been published by him, some of his poems, which are often related to his homeland, i.e. H. deal with the area around Lake Mývatn, achieved great fame in the country. Special mention should be made of Sveitin mín , the poem that begins Fjalladrottning, möðir mín . The poem could be an allusion to the mythical figure of the Icelandic Fjallkona , the mountain woman. Or maybe it is a reference to Herðubreið , the tabular volcano , which is often called the "Queen of the Icelandic Mountains" and is not far from Mývatn.

The above poem was set to music by Bjarni Þorsteinsson . Several other poems by Sigurður Jónsson have also been set to music.


  • Jón R. Hjálmarsson: Með þjóðskáldum við þjóðveginn . Reykjavík 2004, 138-141

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. , Hver er uppruni fjallkonunnar og hvaða hlutverki Gegnir hún? (Icelandic)
  2. Tónlistarsaga Reykjavíkur (Icelandic); accessed November 2, 2015; see. also web links