Silviane Scharl

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Silviane Scharl is a German prehistorian .


From 1997 to 2003 she studied at the Universities of Bamberg and Würzburg (MA prehistoric archeology (with the highest distinction)). In 1999/2000 she studied European Prehistory ( DAAD scholarship) at Oxford University . From 2006 to 2009 she was at the Free University of Berlin , Institute for Prehistoric Archeology, research assistant on the DFG project "Late Neolithic-Early Copper Age Tell-Site of Uivar, Romania". After completing her doctorate in prehistoric archeology (summa cum laude) at the Free University of Berlin in 2007, she was at the University of Cologne, Institute for Prehistory and Protohistory, research assistant (assistant) and principal investigator in project D5, SFB 806 from 2009 to 2016 "Our way to Europe". After her habilitation in 2016 in prehistoric archeology at the University of Cologne , she teaches at the Free University of Berlin as a visiting professor for prehistoric archeology in 2016 . Since 2017 she has been Professor for Younger Stone Ages at the Institute for Prehistory and Protohistory in Cologne .

Her main research interests are the European Neolithic and Copper Age, innovation transfer in prehistoric societies and Neolithic lithics.

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