Simons Foundation

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Simons Foundation
Purpose: Promotion of research in mathematics and basic sciences
Chair: Marilyn Simons
Consist: since 1994
Founder: James Simons , Marilyn Simons
Number of employees: 418 (2018)
Seat: New York City , United States

The Simons Foundation is one of the mathematician and hedge fund managers James Simons founded and his wife Marilyn Simons Foundation . Its aim is to promote mathematical and basic scientific research.

It awards grants in the fields

  • Mathematics and natural sciences
  • Life sciences
  • Autism research
  • Public Relations and Education.

The Simons Foundation funds the online publications Quanta Magazine and Spectrum.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. People. Simons Foundation, archived from the original on June 30, 2020 ; accessed on June 30, 2020 (English).
  2. a b About Us. Simons Foundation, archived from the original on June 30, 2020 ; accessed on June 30, 2020 (English).
  3. About Quanta. Quanta Magazine, accessed June 30, 2020 .
  4. ^ About Spectrum. Spectrum, archived from the original on June 30, 2020 ; accessed on June 30, 2020 (English).