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Coordinates: 35 ° 9 ′ 33 ″  N , 33 ° 41 ′ 44 ″  E

Map: Cyprus

Sinda is a late Bronze Age fortified settlement in Cyprus . It is located about 30 km east of Nicosia , at a ford of the Pedieos (Kanlidere) and perhaps controlled the copper transport from Idalion and Athienou to Enkomi . It was probably surrounded by a double wall, from which Arne Furumark exposed the inner fastening ring in 1947/48.


The settlement has three construction phases (Sinda I – III) and dates to the late Cypriot IIC (2) , IIIA (1) and IIIA (2) phases . Late Mycenaean ceramics of the late Helladic (SH) III B stage were found in the Sinda I construction horizon . The settlements Sinda I and II both end in layers of destruction, which Furumark traced back to the first Greek colonists (approx. 1230 BC) and the sea ​​peoples . The city was therefore around 1150 BC. Left BC. Due to the changed chronology of the SH-III ceramics, Paul Åström advocates a later date.

Chronology according to Aström:

Building layer Dating
I. 1190/1180
II 1150/1140
III 1110/1100

Aström attributes the destruction to pirate attacks or intra-Cypriot conflicts. The SH III C1b ceramics from Sinda show clear similarities to the so-called philist ceramics from Israel.


Hans Henning von der Osten (1899–1960) and Arne Furumark (1903–1982) carried out excavations here from 1947 to 1948. Three cuts were opened, the southern one at the city gate, which was protected by a tower and bastions. With the exception of preliminary reports, they remained unpublished until Charles Adelman, after Furumark's death in 1982, organized and compiled the documents and published them in 2003.


  • Arne Furumark / Charles M. Adelman: Swedish Excavations at Sinda, Cyprus: Excavations Conducted by Arne Furumark 1947–1948 . Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae. Series in 4 °, Volume 50. Paul Åströms Förlag, Stockholm 2003, ISBN 9-17-916046-8 .
  • C. Bradford Welles: Preliminary report in: American Journal of Archeology . Volume 51, 1948, p. 531.
  • Arne Furumark: Utgrävningarna vid Sinda. Nagra historiska result . In: Arkeologiska forskningar och fynd. Studier utgivna with anlending av HMKonung Gustaf VI Adolfs sjuttioårdag 11.11.1952 . Svenska arkeologiska samfundet, Stockholm 1952, pp. 59–69.
  • Arne Furumark: The excavations at Sinda. Some historical results . In: Opuscula Atheniensia . Volume 6, 1965 pp. 99-116.
  • Jennifer M. Webb: Book Review Furumark / Adelman 2003 . In: American Journal of Archeology Online (PDF).