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Sjukvårdspartiet (SVP) (literally translated: Nursing Party) is a small political party in Sweden . The party sees the area of ​​health and nursing as a core issue of its policy.

The provincial parliaments in Sweden are responsible for health care, medical care and nursing, which occupies the dominant place among their tasks with over 80% of the costs. Because of the dissatisfaction with the politics of the traditional parties in this area, regional parties emerged in the 1990s and ran for the provincial assembly. In 2005, seven of these regional parties joined forces to form a nationwide candidate party. Other regional nursing parties such as those in Västra Götaland and Värmland remained independent.

Sjukvårdspartiet received only 0.21% of the votes for the Reichstag in the 2006 election , but it moved into four of the seven provincial parliaments for which one ran and is also represented in 10 municipalities . (Regional, independent nursing parties are represented in a further four provincial parliaments). In one provincial assembly ( Norrbotten ) Sjukvårdspartiet is the second largest party, in another ( Värmland ) a regional nursing party is the second largest party.