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The Skiptárfoss in the Westfjords

The Skiptárfoss in the Westfjords

Coordinates 65 ° 36 '21.6 "  N , 22 ° 55' 31"  W Coordinates: 65 ° 36 '21.6 "  N , 22 ° 55' 31"  W.
Skiptárfoss (Iceland)
place Iceland
height 80 m
flow Skiptá → Kjálkafjörður

The Skiptárfoss is a waterfall in Westfjords of Iceland between the municipalities Reykhóladistrict and Vesturbyggð .

The Skiptá brook forms the border between the municipalities, is the outflow from the Skiptárvötn and falls 80 m below the surface. The stream is fed by meltwater and at the end of summer it has little water. Until 2014, people drove over a bridge on the Vestfjarðavegur S60 between the waterfall and the mouth of the Kjálkafjörður . The road no longer circles the inner part of the fjord, but leads over a dam and a new bridge.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Skiptarfoss, (Skiptárfoss). Accessed April 4, 2019 .
  2. Brúaskrá - bryr á þjóðvegum. Retrieved April 4, 2019 (Icelandic).