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Road 60 at Gilsfjörður in the southwestern Westfjords, in the distance Vaðalfjöll
Vestfjarðavegur 60
(1) Ísafjörður, (2) Bolungarvík, (3) Suðureyri, (4) Flatery, (5) Þingeyri, (6) Reykhólar, (7) Búðardalur, (a) Breiðadals- og Botnsheiðar tunnel

The Vestfjarðavegur S60 is a street in the West Fjords of Iceland .

It begins at Hringvegur R1 about at the level of Snæfellsnes and runs along the south and west coast of the Westfjords to Ísafjörður . The beginning and the end of the route are around 160 kilometers apart as the crow flies, but the road is 333 kilometers long. It mostly runs near the coast and has to go around various fjords. Part of this road has not yet been paved.

At Vestfjarðavegur are the places Búðardalur and Þingeyri . On the last stretch before Ísafjörður, Vestfjarðavegur leads through the Breiðadals-og-Botnsheiðar tunnel . With a length of 9 kilometers, it is the longest tunnel in Iceland. From Ísafjörður to Reykjavík , this road is 456 kilometers, 148 kilometers of which are unpaved. The Djúpvegur S61 is the other main thoroughfare in the Westfjords.

The construction of Dýrafjarðargöng started near Dynjandifoss . Construction work is also planned in the south of the Westfjords on Vestfjarðavegur on Þorskafjörður and its side fjords. Both are areas where this road has not yet been paved. They shorten the way.

There are studies as to whether and how one can improve the course of the road in the area of Þorskafjörður , Djúpifjörður and Gufufjörður . This section has not yet been paved.

See also

Web links

Commons : Road 60 (Iceland)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Bundið slitlag á þjóðvegum. Retrieved October 4, 2017 (isl.).
  2. Hátíðarsprenging Dýrafjarðarganga. Retrieved October 4, 2017 (isl.).
  3. Vestfjarðavegur yfirlit veglínur. Retrieved October 4, 2017 (isl.).
  4. Vestfjarðavegur: Sótt verður um framkvæmdaleyfi eftir rýni á áliti Skipulagsstofnunar. Retrieved August 10, 2018 (Icelandic).