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Dynjandi or Fjallfoss

Dynjandi or Fjallfoss

Coordinates 65 ° 43 '57 .4 N , 23 ° 11' 56.4"  W Coordinates: 65 ° 43 '57  .4 " N , 23 ° 11' 56.4"  W.
Dynjandi (Iceland)
place Þingeyri , Bildudalur , Iceland
height 100 m
width 30 m
flow DynjandisáDynjandisvogur

The Dynjandi [ 'tɪnjantɪ ] (or Fjallfoss ) is a waterfall of the river Dynjandisá in the northwest Islands .


Icelandic "dynjandi" means "the droning, raging" in German.

Most important dates

It is 100 m high and spread out wide. In summer, 2 to 8 m³ / s plunge into the depths here, and about half of it in winter. The waterfall has a width of 30 m at the top and 60 m at the bottom. The waterfall and its surroundings have been under nature protection since 1981 .

More waterfalls

Dynjandi with other waterfalls

Immediately below the large Fjallfoss there are five smaller waterfalls: Hundafoss (Dynjandisá), Göngufoss (behind which there is a passage), Háifoss (Dynjandisá), Úðafoss, Bæjarfoss (Dynjandisá).

Shortly thereafter, the Dynjandisá river flows into Borgarfjörður (Arnarfjörður) . There is a campsite at the mouth.


The subsurface consists of alternating layers of lava and sediment , with the oldest lavas being around 13-14 million years old.

Movie location

In the film " Children of Nature - A Journey " by Friðrik Þór Friðriksson , the two main characters Stella and Geiri celebrate at this location.

Transport and tourism

Dynjandi is very isolated on Dynjandavegur T621, not far from Vestfjarðavegur S60 and is about 73 km from Patreksfjörður . In order to avoid long bus journeys to and from Ísafjörður, some cruise ships anchor in the bay and tend their passengers ashore.

This area of ​​Iceland is still not very well developed for tourism.

See also

Web links

Commons : Fjallfoss  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ HU Schmid: Dictionary Icelandic - German. Buske, Hamburg, 2001, p. 44
  2. a b c Vegahandbókin. Ed. Landmælingar Íslands, 2006, p. 288
  3. Íslandshandbókin. Náttúra, saga og sérkenni. 1. bindi. Edited by T. Einarsson, H. Magnússon. Örn og Örlygur, Reykjavík 1989, p. 243
  4. a b Dynjandi ( Memento of the original from November 1, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on Westfirdir.is, accessed September 7, 2012  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.vestfirdir.is
  5. ^ NDR North Sea Report, February 5, 2017