Skunk Ape

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As a Skunk Ape (German: Skunk Monkey ) is a supposedly existing ape-like creature from Florida according to local legends . The creature is described as being up to three meters tall and weighing up to 600 kilograms, and its habitat is said to be in the Everglades . The Skunk Ape is a cryptid and its actual existence is considered extremely dubious. The Everglades National Park administration considers the Skunk Ape to be invented.

The Skunk Ape supposedly masters the upright gait and resembles other ape-men like the Bigfoot in habit . In contrast to this, the Skunk Ape has a gentle nature. The Skunk Ape is characterized by its smell - from which the name is derived - and its thick, brown fur.

The first sightings of the cryptid date from the colonial times , most of them were proclaimed between 1920 and 1930, as parts of the forest in the Everglades were cut down. After that, the Skunk Ape was forgotten until it was reportedly spotted again on the outskirts of a suburb in 1997.

Processing the legend

The legend of the Skunk Ape was made in the movie Skunk Ape !? from 2003 (directed and written by Greg and Matt Brookens). The Skunk Ape also plays a major role in the horror novel Shade of the Tree by Piers Anthony (German under the title Schatten des Baumes ).


  • Ulla Dornberg: Secrets of the Unknown, Unknown Worlds . Predita, 2002. ISBN 3-933468-92-2

See also

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