Slavic Benedictine Congregation

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The Slavic Benedictine Congregation of St. Adalbert (lat. Congregatio Slava S. Adalberti ) was founded in 1945 by Pope Pius XII. built. The last abbot präses before the suspension of the monastery association in 1969 was Abbot Maurus Verzich von Emaus; Since then, the Abbot Primate of the Benedictine Confederation has supervised the monasteries belonging to the Congregation , represented from 1990 by a vicarius: 1990–2001 Abbot Clemens Lashofer von Göttweig and 2001–2011 / 12 Archabbot Asztrik Várszegi von Pannonhalma .

On March 21, 2012 the election of Edmund Wagenhofer as Abbot Preses was confirmed by the Apostolic See; Abbot President Edmund is retired Archabbot of the Archabbey of St. Peter , Salzburg, and Prior-Administrator of the Maribor Priory.


  1. Břevnov Archabbey (Breunau) in Prague, Czech Republic
  2. Emauzy (Emaus) Abbey in Prague, Czech Republic
  3. Broumov Abbey (Braunau) , Czech Republic
  4. Rajhrad (Raigern) Abbey , Czech Republic
  5. Maribor Priory , Slovenia
  6. Ćokovac Priory, Croatia

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Individual evidence

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