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Smerdomenes , son of Otanes , was a Persian general of the Achaemenid Empire in the 5th century BC. His father was one of the seven conspirators against Gaumata . Mother he was a nephew of the Great King Darius I. His sister Amestris was with great king Xerxes I married.

Smerdomenes was owned by his cousin and brother-in-law Xerxes I on the occasion of the invasion of Greece in 480 BC. Were appointed one of the six commanders in chief over one of the three army pillars. In his armed force, whose command he shared with Megabyzos , the king also went along. No further information is known about him.


  • MA Dandamaev: A Political History of the Achaemenid Empire. BRILL, 1989, p. 193.


  1. a b Herodotus : Historíai. 7, 82. Erroneously referred to here as “brother son”.
  2. Herodotus: Historíai. 7, 121. The two other army columns were led by Mardonios / Masistes and Tritantaichmes / Gergis.