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Tritantaichmes (also written Tritanteichmes ), son of Artabanos , was a Persian general of the Achaemenid Empire in the 5th century BC. As the nephew of the great king Dareios I , he was himself a member of the Achaemenid dynasty.

Tritanteichmes was owned by his cousin Xerxes I on the occasion of the invasion of Greece in 480 BC. Were appointed one of the six commanders in chief over one of the three army pillars. He shared the command with Gergis. In Greece, Tritanteichmes had incurred the reproach of cowardice on the part of the king when he expressed his appreciation at the Olympic Games to the Greeks who were ready to fight for olive branches instead of treasure.

At an unspecified time Tritantaichmes officiated as satrap of "Assyria" ( Mesopotamia and Babylonia ). Herodotus described the wealth of the city, which Tritantaichmes made it possible to take an artabe full of silver every day .


  • Hilmar Klinkott : The satrap. An Achaemenid office bearer and his room for maneuver (= Oikumene. Studies on ancient world history. 1). Verlag Antike, Frankfurt am Main 2005, ISBN 3-938032-02-2 ( review ; also: Tübingen, University, dissertation, 2002).


  1. Herodotus : Historíai. 7, 82.
  2. Herodotus: Historíai. 7, 121. The other two pillars of the army were given by Mardonios / Masistes and Smerdomenes / Megabyzos .
  3. Herodotus: Historíai. 8, 26.
  4. Herodotus: Historíai. 1, 192.