Smikros (mythology)

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Smikros ( ancient Greek Σµῖκρος ) is in Greek mythology the father of Branchos , the founder of the branchid family of priests who performed the Apollo ministry in Didyma , the most important sanctuary and oracle of the Milesians .

Smirkos was the son of the Delphi Demokles, who took the boy on a trip to Miletus . When he sailed from there in a hurry, he accidentally left the thirteen-year-old behind. A goatherd found him and brought him to his father Eritharses, who raised him like his own son. When the two boys got into an argument after they had caught a swan together, Leukothea appeared to them and told them to tell the Milesians that they should organize competitions for the boys in their honor.

Smikros married a respected Milesian and became the father of the Branchos.
