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Infobox radio tower icon
Station logo
TV station ( private law )
Program type Special-interest program ( entertainment )
reception DVB-T
Image resolution ( Entry missing )
Start of transmission April 27, 2006
owner Cellcast Group
List of TV channels

SmileTV is a British television station that, like the former German broadcaster 9live , broadcasts Call-in-TV .

SmileTV in Germany

Since July 1, 2011 there is a German version of the station. Like the British original, it will broadcast documentary soaps and call-in shows such as "Life Coach TV" or "Party Girls" during the day and erotic at night.

It can be received horizontally on the Astra satellite, 19.2 ° East, 12.663 GHz.

Web links

British version homepage

Individual evidence

  1. Smile.TV: New entertainment channel starts today on Astra