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Snuppy (* 24 April 2005 ) is the abbreviation for " Seoul National University Puppy" and refers to an Afghan Hound , who by a team of scientists under the direction of later accused of forgery veterinarian suk Woo Hwang from South Korea ge clones and on April 24 from a 2005 Labrador Retriever dog thrown was. His genetic information comes from the skin cells of his father's ear. A total of 1095 embryos were placed in the uterus of 123 bitches, after which there were three pregnancies. However, Snuppy is the only survivor; one of his (potential) siblings died of a miscarriage, the other puppy died of pneumonia shortly after birth.

After a forgery scandal involving Hwang Woo-suk became known at the turn of the year 2005/06, doubts arose as to whether Snuppy was really cloned. In March 2006, however, the American National Human Genome Research Institute confirmed the accuracy of the information about its origin.

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