Société française d'assurances multirisques

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SFAM (Société française d'assurances multirisques)

legal form Corporation
founding 1999
Seat 1, rue Camille Claudel, Romans-sur-Isère France
sales 250 million euros (2017)
Branch Insurance

The Société française d'assurances multirisques (SFAM) (German: French property insurance company ) is a French company that specializes in mobile and multimedia insurance. Its headquarters are in Romans-sur-Isère , in the Drôme department. In February 2018, the company became the second largest shareholder in the Fnac Darty 1 group.


The SFAM was founded in 1999 by Sadri Fegaier. It is a subsidiary of the SFAM Développement Group, a simplified public limited company that was founded in 2018 by Sadri Fegaier as founding president and the Ardian Fund and is majority owned by both parties. The company began marketing its mobile insurance products through its own sales outlets in the Rhône-Alpes region .


The company expanded its activities across France in 2009 when it introduced an insurance contract for all risks related to telephony and multimedia .

In January 2016, a fund managed by Edmond de Rothschild Investment Partners, Winch Capital, acquired a minority equity stake in the SFAM Group. In September 2016, the company opened its headquarters in Romans-sur-Isère and has seen strong growth since then.

In October 2016, SFAM, together with the NGO Action contre la Faim, pledged 300,000 euros as part of their program for social support and food aid in urban areas of Madagascar. On this occasion, Sadri Fegaier, President of SFAM Group said: "Our group has seen strong growth since it was founded. We want to share the fruits of our efforts and register for a partnership with Action contre la Faim."

In December of the same year, SFAM tried to take over the French social network Viadéo . The business-liberal daily Le Figaro was ultimately chosen as the buyer.

In 2017 SFAM bought the B2S call center in Roanne and promised to create 150 to 200 jobs. The company announced a new headquarters in Paris and subsequently expanded nationally as well as into the Spanish and Swiss markets. In July 2017, SFAM took over the digital communication agency Actualys.

On February 6, 2018, SFAM acquired an 11 percent stake in the Fnac Darty Group for EUR 335 million from the Knight Vinke Fund. SFAM became the second largest shareholder in Fnac Darty with the help of the private equity firm Ardian, which in turn announced that it had acquired a minority stake in SFAM.

In the same month, the French mutual fund Ardian invested in the company's capital. In July of the same year, the Caisse des dépôts and the Sovereign Fund Mubadala Investment Company also acquired Sfam's capital through their joint investment platform, the Franco-Emirati Fund (FEF).

On July 16, 2018, FEF - a co-investment platform founded by CDC International Capital (a subsidiary of the Caisse des Dépôts) and the Mubadala Investment Company - announced that it would give SFAM a capital increase to finance company growth. Also in July 2018, SFAM acquired the Armatis -LC Roanne call center and took over 95 employees and premises.

Group profile

SFAM specializes in the marketing of insurance products with extended warranties and is represented in France, Belgium and Spain. The company employs around 1,300 people, but said it plans to recruit another 1,000 in 2018, mainly phone marketers. The group also stated that it intends to achieve sales of EUR 500 million , five million customers and 2500 new partnerships.

On June 21, 2018, SFAM took first place in the HappyAtWork ranking "Companies with 500 to 999 employees in which the employees enjoy working".

Since March 2019 the company is officially represented in three countries outside France. The company has around 6 million customers, 1,600 employees and a turnover of 70 million euros as of December 31, 2018.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Reuters Editorial: Le courtier en assurances SFAM devient le 2e actionnaire de Fnac Darty . In: FR . ( [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  2. Assurance affinitaire: SFAM sous le feu of critiques. September 22, 2017, accessed October 30, 2018 (French).
  3. a b Fnac Darty compte un nouvel actionnaire, l'assureur SFAM . ( [accessed November 6, 2018]).
  4. a b Sadri Fegaier, l'autodidacte et audacieux patron de SFAM - Les Echos. Retrieved October 30, 2018 (French).
  6. SFAM, le courtier de Romans-sur-Isère à l'appétit de géant. March 22, 2017, accessed October 30, 2018 (French).
  7. Le courtier SFAM s'agrandit rapidement - Les Echos. Retrieved October 30, 2018 (French).
  8. SFAM: nouvelle pépite de Romans-sur-Isere . In: France Bleu . September 28, 2016 ( [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  9. L'assureur SFAM soutiendra Action against le Faim pendant les trois prochaines années., accessed March 20, 2019 .
  10. Téléphonie mobile: SFAM propose une assurance solidaire pour 1 € TTC par mois., January 31, 2019, accessed March 20, 2019 .
  11. Le Figaro reprend les actifs de Viadeo - Les Echos. Retrieved October 30, 2018 (French).
  12. Viadeo: six candidats pour une reprise compliquée - Les Echos. Retrieved October 30, 2018 (French).
  13. Sfam (assurances) va racheter un center d'appel et créer de l'emploi. January 8, 2017, accessed October 30, 2018 .
  14. Sfam se déploie en Espagne . In: La Tribune . ( [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  15. Sfam racheté l'agence de communication digital ACTUALYS - Stratégies . In: Stratégies . November 16, 2017 ( [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  16. Knight Vinke drops out at Fnac Darty. Retrieved October 30, 2018 .
  17. Ardian acquiert une participation dans minoritaire Sfam . In: Investir . ( [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  18. Sfam, un courtier au capital de Fnac-Darty! February 7, 2018, accessed October 30, 2018 (French).
  19. ^ Assurances: après Ardian, la CDC et Abou Dhabi entrent au capital de Sfam., accessed September 13, 2018 .
  20. ^ Assurances: après Ardian, la CDC et Abou Dhabi entrent au capital de SFAM. Retrieved October 30, 2018 (French).
  21. SFAM racheté le center d'appels Armatis LC de Roanne . In: France Bleu . July 3, 2018 ( [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  22. a b SFAM duplique sa formule à succès à l'étranger et défriche de nouveaux services . In: France 24 . March 30, 2018 ( [accessed October 30, 2018]).
  23. SFAM: Sadri Fegaier, le petit prince de l'affinitaire. June 8, 2017, accessed October 30, 2018 (French).
  24. Notation et avis des salariés SFAM Assurances - ChooseMyCompany. Retrieved October 30, 2018 (French).
  25. La SFAM passe la barre des 5 millions de clients et accélère son expansion international - Dépêches., accessed March 20, 2019 .
  26. Interview: Christine Lemaire, DRH de SFAM: “La bienveillance fait partie de l'ADN de notre entreprise”., accessed on March 20, 2019 .