Social Work and Society

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Social Work & Society (SW&S) - Online Journal for Social Work and Social Policy is an international journal for the educational and sociological research fields of social work and social policy (published in Open Access ).

Orientation and structure

SW&S was founded in 2003 as an international online journal for the educational and sociological research fields of social work and social policy. The SW&S-Journal provides a digital place of publication for academic articles that discuss technical, political and international issues in the research fields of social work and social policy. Conceptually, the focus is on current, social-theoretical issues from the two research areas mentioned. The SW&S editorial group relies exclusively on digital publishing. In this respect, the SW&S Journal is an online only journal.

As a member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Digital Peer Publishing Initiative (DiPP), the SW&S-Journal is committed to the international Open Access principles, which enables all users to have free and low-threshold access. The SW&S Journal has been using the open source publication software Open Journal Systems (OJS) since 2011 . SW&S was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The published articles appear in the international scientific language of English. The resulting problem of the linguistic access barrier is reduced by the possibility of individual contributions in a different language with detailed English-language abstracts. All contributions are subject to a double blind peer review. The SW&S Online Journal appears twice a year (volume) in the structure of magazine editions (issues). Each issue includes a SW&S Special Issue for which members of the editorial group or guest editors are responsible.

The executive co-ordination office is supported by an international advisory board made up of renowned specialists. The editorial coordination work and the technical implementation is done at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal . based co-ordinating office.

The managing editor is Fabian Kessl .

Web links

Individual evidence
