Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

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SMPTE test pattern

The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers , abbreviated to SMPTE ( sɪmpti , sometimes also sʌmpti ), is an international association in the field of professional film and, above all, video technology , based in White Plains , New York .


The association was founded in 1916 as S ociety of M otion P icture E ngineers ( SMPE founded) to the development of norms and standards, research and scientific activities as well as networked communication and education to promote moving images in the rapidly evolving world. With the advent of the television industry the name of the association was founded in 1950, the term "Television" (dt. TV ) added. The abbreviation changed to SMPTE accordingly.


As a rule, the association does not develop standards itself, but acts as a forum and documentation authority. Almost all manufacturers in the field of video technology are members of this association. Therefore, the agreements documented by the SMPTE form the basis in this technology area alongside the ITU and ANSI standards.

The most important standards on which the SMPTE has played a decisive role in the past:

  • Standards for video and film cassettes, 1964 to date
  • Standardization of the timecode: SMPTE timecode , 1967/1969
  • Standardization of HDTV , 1981 to date
  • digital video signal transmission standards : SDI (SMPTE 259M, 1997 and SMPTE 344M, 2000) and SDTI (SMPTE 305M, 2000)
  • digital video format MXF , (SMPTE 377M ff., 2004)
  • IMD - SMPTE. Intermodulation Distortion - SMPTE Method , a method of measuring distortion in electroacoustics

Individual evidence

  1. About SMPTE (English)

Web links