Soldier name

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Soldier names ( soldatnamn ) are a Swedish phenomenon from the 16th to 20th centuries when new soldiers were given a new name by their officers .

The reason was that a large number of soldiers in a group or a platoon had the same patronymic name, which made commands unclear. With soldier names , the five Anderssons could be given five different names and clearly identified.

Soldier names were often based on positive characteristics of a soldier or on military objects, but also on the geographic origin of the soldier or on natural objects.

Examples of Swedish soldier names

  • Rask (German: quickly )
  • Snäll (out of date quickly , dear today )
  • Modig ( brave )
  • Tapper ( brave )
  • Lively ( lively )
  • Garnet ( grenade )
  • Patron ( cartridge )
  • Träff ( hit )
  • Björk ( birch )
  • mountain

See also