Special unit

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The Austrian executive has various uniformed and special police units .

On the part of the police , these are in the area of ​​uniformed forces:

In the field of criminal services, in order to counteract the steady rise in crime, various task forces, such as the task force to combat street crime (EGS), which are assigned to the state criminal police offices of the individual federal states, have also been established.

The Executive Body Justizwache which the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ) - with the four regional courts of Vienna, Graz, Linz and Innsbruck as a service authorities - is assumed, there is a special unit which Justizwache Task Force (JEG).

The tasks and areas of responsibility of all uniformed and criminal service special units that report directly to the Federal Ministry of the Interior (such as the EKO Cobra and the Special Unit for Observation (SEO)) are regulated, among other things, by the Special Units Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, those of the JEG mainly result from provisions of the Austrian Prison Act (StVG) and the prison regulations (VZO).

Individual evidence

  1. Ordinance on Special Units. Retrieved September 8, 2019 .