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Songyang ( 松 阳县 , Sōngyáng Xiàn ) is a district of the prefecture -level city of Lishui in the southern Chinese province of Zhejiang . It has an area of ​​1406 km² and a population of approx. 231,400 people (end of 2005).


The pagoda of the Yanqing Temple ( Songyang Yanqing si ta松阳 延庆 寺塔) in the village of Tashixia in the west of the county has been on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China (6-542) since 2006 .

Administrative structure

At the community level, Songyang is made up of five large communities , 14 communities and a nationality community of the She . The district government is seated in the large community of Xiping (西 屏 镇).

Web links

Coordinates: 28 ° 27 '  N , 119 ° 29'  E