Sonja Peterson

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Sonja Peterson (* 1973 in Germany ) is a German business mathematician and economist .

Scientific career

Sonja Peterson studied 1993-1999 business mathematics at the University of Hamburg and graduated studies with the diploma from. As part of a Fulbright scholarship , she studied economics at the University of Colorado at Boulder between 1997 and 1998 , where she received her MA in Economics. From 1999 to 2002 Sonja Peterson was working on her doctorate in interdisciplinary, by the DFG -funded Research Training Group "Integrative environmental assessment" at the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Economics at the University of Kiel and finally received his doctorate in 2002. Until 2005, she was then Scientific Employee at the Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Kiel . There she became head of the Environment and Natural Resources Research Department in 2006 and held this position until 2010. In 2006 she also became a member and principal investigator of the Cluster of Excellence " The Future Ocean " at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel. Since 2010 she has been the management coordinator of the Institute for the World Economy.

Research interests

Sonja Peterson is particularly interested in modeling climate economics and empirical general equilibrium analyzes. Both subject areas are her specialty.

Selected publications

  • B. Kretschmer, D. Narita, S. Peterson: The economic effects of the EU biofuel target. In: Energy Economics. Volume 31, 2009, pp. S285-S294.
  • M. Hübler, G. Klepper, S. Peterson: Costs of Climate Change - The Effects of Rising Temperatures on Health and Productivity in Germany. In: Ecological Economics. Volume 68, Elsevier 2008, pp. 381-393.
  • G. Klepper, S. Peterson: Trading Hot-Air: The Influence of Permit Allocation Rules, Market Power, and the US Withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol. In: Environmental & Resource Economics. Volume 32, No. 2, 2005, pp. 205-227.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Curriculum Vitae by Sonja Peterson on the homepage of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy , accessed on July 25, 2013