Lumps of sun

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Sonnenbatzen is a type of bread . It is one of the widespread types of bread in German-speaking countries and is widely available in supermarkets and discounters of the large retail chains as well as in the range of many bakeries.

Sonnenbatzen is a wholemeal rye bread to which a relatively high proportion of sunflower seeds of 10% of the weight has been added. The bread is deep dark brown, almost completely cuboid with a square base and richly filled with whole sunflower seeds on the top. Inside the bread there are also whole sunflower seeds. It is often offered in 750 g loaves.

The suppliers of the Sonnenbatz are the bread manufacturer Harry-Brot and retail chains such as Lidl, REWE / Penny or Edeka, who offer the bread baked in their baking stations within the shops.

Ingredients of the sun lump from the bakery giant Harry are: whole grain rye meal, natural sourdough (water, whole grain rye meal, rye flour), water, sunflower seeds, invert sugar syrup, wheat flour, caramel syrup, salt and yeast.

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