Social association
In sociology and politics , social association is a term for interest groups that represent the political and social interests of pensioners, unemployed people, welfare recipients, insured persons of the statutory health insurance, disabled people, accident victims, care cases or craftsmen. This includes
- the social VdK Germany ( V erband d he K riegsbeschädigten, war survivors and social retired Germany eV)
- the social association Germany (SoVD; formerly Reichsbund )
- the people's solidarity
- the BDH Federal Rehabilitation Association
- the ombudsman eV social association for small income earners
- the Unemployment Association Germany (ALV)
- the Catholic Workers Movement (KAB)
- the Catholic Kolping Society
- the workers welfare (AWO)
- German Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband (DPW)
In zoology , groups of similar animals are sometimes referred to as social associations, e.g. B. the herd , the swarm or the pack .