Spaniard (chicken)

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Spaniard (chicken)
Spaniard rooster
Spaniard (chicken)
Rooster and hen
Origin: Spain
Year: {{{Year}}}
Colour: black
Weight: Rooster 2.5 to 3 kg - hen 2 to 2.5 kg
Laying output per year: 170
Eggshell color: White
Egg weight: 50 grams
Breeding standards: BDRG
List of breeds of chicken

The Spanish chicken is one of the oldest European chicken breeds , the existence of which can be traced back centuries.


The Spanish hen has a laying capacity of around 170 white eggs per year, wears a single comb with ideally four to six teeth and has a completely white face, which is a specialty in the domestic chicken area. This peculiarity, known in technical terms as a mask , gives them the nickname clown faces in English . The legs are gray to black, the toenails white to gray, the eyes red. With a weight of two to three kilograms and the elongated body, it is one of the country fowl breeds. There is also a dwarf form, the dwarf Spaniard , although this is even less common than the large breed.


As the German name suggests, the original animals were native to Spain and reached Central Europe via North America and England in the form known today.

The Spanish hen was bred from the Castilian breed of chicken . In addition, the Spaniards are very closely related to the Minorka and the Andalusian .


  • Hans-Joachim Schille: Lexicon of the chickens . Komet-Verlag, Cologne 2005, ISBN 3-89836-447-X .
  • W. Schwarz / A. Six (2004): The large poultry standard in color. Reutlingen: Oertel + Spörer Verlags-GmbH + Co (7th edition)

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