Spanish Evangelical Church

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The Spanish Evangelical Church (Spanish: Iglesia Evangélica Española ) is an Evangelical Church in Spain founded in 1869 . Today around 0.3 percent of the total population of the country is Protestant.

The Spanish Evangelical Church brings together Reformed , Presbyterian , Lutheran , Congregational and Methodist traditions. The last time the Methodist Church of Spain merged with the Spanish Evangelical Church was in 1955.

The highest administrative body is the General Synod , which meets at least once a year. A permanent commission headed by a general secretary has been set up for the period between the individual synods. The church is divided into seven regional presbyteries, with two or more parishes assigned to each presbytery.

The Spanish Evangelical Church is a member of the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Conference of European Churches (CEC), the Community of Evangelical Churches in Europe , the World Fellowship of Reformed Churches and the World Council of Methodist Churches .

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