Spirastrella cunctatrix

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Spirastrella cunctatrix
Spirastrella cunctatrix Linosa Archi 044.jpg

Spirastrella cunctatrix

Class : Horned Silica Sponges (Demospongiae)
Order : Hadromerida
Family : Spirastrellidae
Genre : Spirastrella
Type : Spirastrella cunctatrix
Scientific name
Spirastrella cunctatrix
Schmidt , 1868

Spirastrella cunctatrix , is a species of sponges and belongs to the class of horned silica sponges . In the literature it is also referred to as the Orange Radiant Sponge or Red Crust Sponge .


Spirastrella cunctatrix forms colonies that can reach a diameter of over 5 cm. They rarely get bigger. The colonies form thin, soft crusts a few millimeters thick that are bright orange in color. There are striking, strong channels on the surface, which merge radially and open into a common outlet opening.

This type can be confused with the similarly colored crambe crambe , the surface of which is smooth to the touch. However, the surface of Spirastrella cunctatrix is rough.


The distribution area includes sublittoral in the Mediterranean . Different hard floors are settled. Colonies are mostly found in shaded places such as under overhangs, in crevices and caves. More rarely also in the root area of ​​seagrasses.


  1. a b Helmut Göthel: Lower Animals Color Atlas Mediterranean Fauna: Lower Animals and Fish. Ulmer, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 3-8001-7368-9 .
  2. a b c Peter Wirtz, Helmut Debelius: Lower animals Mediterranean and Atlantic Hamburg. Jahr-Top-Special-Verlag, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-86132-681-7 .

Web links

Commons : Spirastrella cunctatrix  - collection of images, videos and audio files