Split pot

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The split pot ( English split , 'share ) referred card game Poker a situation where at least two players have the same strong hands hold. As a result, the pot is divided equally among the winners. In other words, there is a split pot when the showdown ends in a tie between two or more players.

The split pot should not be confused with the side pot . This describes the situation when a poker player wants to bet all of his chips, i.e. he goes all in , but wants to bet at least two opposing players over this amount. Then an additional pot, called a side pot , is set up parallel to the main pot .


Player 1's cards A A J J 10
Player 2's cards A A J J 10

In this case both players have an equivalent combination, namely two pairs (aces and jacks) with 10 as a side card. The pot would be split between these two players.

It is also possible that more than two players hold the same combination. In this case the pot is split into equal parts:

The non-divisible chip in splitpots is always given to the player who is still in the game, i.e. the player to the left of the dealer . In all Stud variants, the token receives the highest card, ranked according to the color (spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs). In all high / low variants, the token goes high.

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