Spurius Furius (consular tribune 378 BC)

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According to ancient tradition, Spurius Furius was a Roman consular tribune in 378 BC. In a four or six-member consular tribune college.

In the tradition, Spurius Furius is dated to 378 BC. Passed down from Livius with the praenomen "Spurius" and from Diodorus with the praenomen "Lucius". It is unclear whether his cognomen was "Medullinus".

Together with his colleague Marcus Horatius, Furius is said to have led a Roman army against the Volscian coastal area near Antium . No further details have come down to us about his consular tribunate.

Individual evidence

  1. Compare: T. Robert S. Broughton : The Magistrates of the Roman Republic . Vol. 1: 509 BC - 100 BC Cleveland / Ohio: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1951. Reprint 1968, p. 107 (Philological Monographs. Ed. By the American Philological Association. Vol. 15, part 1).
  2. Livy VI 31.1
  3. Diodor XV 57.1
  4. ^ Livy VI 31, 5-8
