Town Music St. Gallen

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The Stadtmusik St. Gallen is a symphonic wind orchestra of the highest class from St. Gallen in Switzerland .


The orchestra was founded as an association in 1863. Under the director Karl Haubold (1888 to 1923) the orchestra was able to record particular successes, so the Stadtmusik St. Gallen took first place at the International Music Festival in Paris in 1906. Under the subsequent director Hans Heusser , the orchestra toured to Venice, Paris, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich and Brussels. From 1947 to 1963 Josef Signer from Appenzell directed the town music. He was followed by Hermann Schröer, who increasingly focused on light music. From 1977 to 1984 conducted Robert Favre, who was previously the orchestra's solo trombonist. Albert Brunner was the musical director from 1984 to 2010. In 2011 Roger Meier from Kestenholz was elected conductor. Tristan Uth from Augsburg has been the musical director since 2014. Bobby Feurer was President of the St. Gallen Town Musicians from 1983 to 2013, and Philipp Egger has been the new President of the Town Musicians since 2014.


Results from musical competitions over the past 20 years:

  • 1986: 9th place at the Swiss Federal Music Festival in Winterthur in the top class
  • 1989: 1st place at the cantonal music festival Gossau in the top class
  • 1991: 10th place at the Swiss Federal Music Festival Lugano in the top class
  • 1993: 1st prize at the Interlaken wind orchestra competition
  • 1994: 1st prize at the Vorarlberger Landesmusikfest
  • 1996: 6th place at the Federal Music Festival in Interlaken in the top class
  • 1997: 2nd place in the music prize of the Grenchen Board of Trustees
  • 2000: 1st prize at the CISM competition in Schladming / A
  • 2002: 1st place at the international competition Kerkrade / NL
  • 2004: 3rd place at the international wind orchestra competition Valencia / E
  • 2006: 11th place at the Swiss Federal Music Festival in Lucerne in the top class
  • 2008: 1st place at the international wind orchestra competition "Flicorno d'Oro" Riva del Garda It. In the Cl. Superior
  • 2010: 1st place at the Kant. Musikfest Goldach SG in the top class
  • 2015: 1st place at the Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Musica in Valencia

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