Bad Pyrmont municipal utilities

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Bad Pyrmont municipal utilities

legal form GmbH
Seat Bad Pyrmont
management Uwe Benkendorff (Managing Director)
Uwe Schrader (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
sales 24.5 million euros
Branch Supplier
Status 2011

The Stadtwerke Bad Pyrmont (SGP) are the regional energy and water utility of the city of Bad Pyrmont . They are also providers of heat and power supply.

Power supply

Stadtwerke has been an electricity supplier in Bad Pyrmont since 1907.

In 2013, the company sold 54,972 MWh to end users, 15,424 of which came from trading.

In 2013, the Stadtwerke operated a pipeline network with a length of 249.6 km with 3,797 house connections and 12,510 meters.

Gas supply

In 1867 the first gas works was founded at the orphanage, which was taken over by the city in 1870. In 1910 a new gas works was built at the station. In 1965 the conversion to a liquefied gas cracking system took place, in 1974 to a liquefied gas-air mixing system. Natural gas has been supplied since 1978 .

In 2013, the Stadtwerke operated a 119.5 km long gas pipeline network with 3,920 house connections and 3,825 gas meters. The gas output was 184,061 MWh.

Water supply

The Bad Pyrmont municipal utility has been supplying the city with water since 1895.

In 2013, the company had a water supply network of 174.5 km in length with 5,124 house connections and 9,550 water meters. 1,331,000 m³ of water were released.

Heat supply

The Bad Pyrmont municipal utility has been supplying the city with district heating since 1987. In 2013, 18,621 MWh of heat were delivered and 44 meters were operated.


The municipal utilities operate the city bus in Bad Pyrmont as part of the “Public Transport” network .

In 2013, 3 bus routes covered a 43.5 km long route network. Ew were transported with a mileage of 172,553 km 545,160 people.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f “Facts and Figures” on the Bad Pyrmont public utility website, accessed May 14, 2015

Coordinates: 51 ° 58 ′ 50.8 "  N , 9 ° 15 ′ 28.1"  E