Star Wars Combine

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Star Wars Combine is an online computer game set against the backdrop of the Star Wars saga. The game has been online since 1998 and is an MMORPG . In the first few years a separate client program was offered for download, since 2004 the game has been browser-based, which means that it belongs to the group of browser games .

The technology, the universe in which the game is played, as well as certain basic constellations are taken from the films, novels and computer games of the Star Wars series, but the characters are all created and embodied by players and the plot can largely be freely chosen by the players to be determined.

The Star Wars Combine is a game that is developed, programmed and managed by fans without a license from LucasArts . The game has approx. 3500 active players (with approx. 40,000 registered players).

Participation in the game is free for the players. Other comparable non-commercial projects, but in a German-language version, include: a., Star Wars HiddenEmpire and JediTheGame . A comparable commercial product is Star Wars Galaxies from LucasArts .

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Aleka Talamasca: Indievelopment: Star Wars Combine . Massively . September 19, 2008. Archived from the original on August 8, 2011. Retrieved on February 14, 2013.
  2. Augustine, Josh. "Massive Attack". PC Gamer US (Holiday 2009): p. 28.