Starlight Promises

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Anime movie
title Starlight Promises
Original title 約束 の 七 夜 祭 り
transcription Yakusoku no Nanaya Matsuri
Country of production JapanJapan Japan
original language Japanese
Publishing year 2018
Studio XFlag , Yokohama Animation Lab
length 62 minutes
genre drama
Director Kazuya Murata
production Jonathan Kazushi Maeno
music Taro Iwashiro

Starlight Promises ( Japanese 約束 の 七 夜 祭 り , Yakusoku no Nanaya Matsuri ) is a 2018 anime film that was released as a web anime .


The high school student Shoma Mihara surprisingly receives a message via a mobile phone app from Atsushi Fujii, a good friend from elementary school with whom he has lost contact. He is invited to a party and to finally meet Atsushi again, Shoma sets out on the path described. Unexpectedly, he arrives at a festival area hidden in the wilderness, where people from all over the world are preparing a Tanabata festival in traditional clothing and according to old craftsmanship . The girl Shiori Senozawa, who is supposed to play the princess of the festival, shows him around. Shoma was chosen as her prince and in the hope of meeting Atsushi he plays with.

When preparing for the festival, the participants are supported by their suits and augmented reality glasses, which give them the strength and knowledge they need. Kanna, the girl who runs the preparations, is also an artificial intelligence. At night, however, Shiori and Shoma are attacked by samurai, also generated by an AI, against whom they have to defend themselves. Shoma also learns that everyone has come to the festival to meet someone who has died. When the festival begins, the two are attacked again and have to fight the samurai with Kanna. These are generated by the AI ​​that prepared the festival because it had to process too much information and in the process created the samurai from knowledge of legends and history. Finally, during the ceremony, Shoma realizes that Atsushi did not move away, but died. He had only pushed the memory of it aside. Shoma sees an AI-generated simulation of Atsushi and can say goodbye to him, just as all participants in the festival can see their deceased one last time. This was made possible by an app on their cell phones, which Shoma had also invited to the party.

Production and publication

The film was made by the XFlag and Yokohama Animation Lab studios and directed by Kazuya Murata . The concept and script was developed in Studio XFlag. The character design was created by Majiro and Senbon Umishima implemented his draft for the film. Hirotsugu Kakoi was the artistic director and Ryūsei Nakajima was in charge of the 3D animation. Jonathan Kazushi Maeno was responsible for the production . The film music was composed by Taro Iwashiro and the song Awai by Anri Kumaki was used for the opening credits .

The release of the 62-minute long film was scheduled for July 7, 2018, the day of the Tanabata Festival. However, the date had to be postponed; the film was released on August 3, 2018 in Japan on YouTube . The platform Chrunchyroll published the anime with subtitles in various languages, including English and German.


role Japanese voice actors ( seiyū )
Shoma Mihara Sōma Saitō
Shiori Senozawa Nozomi Yamamoto
Kogetsuhime Ayaka Fukuhara
Atsushi Fujii Daiki Yamashita
Kaori Senozawa Sayaka Senbongi
Kanna Tomomi Mineuchi

Individual evidence

  1. AICO, Gargantia Director Kazuya Murata Directs Yakusoku no Nanaya Matsuri Original Net Anime (Updated). In: Anime News Network. June 8, 2018, accessed November 1, 2018 .
  2. XFlag's Yakusoku no Nanaya Matsuri 1-Hour Original Net Anime Debuts. In: Anime News Network. August 5, 2018, accessed November 1, 2018 .

Web links