Start of production

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With the English term " Start of Production " (SOP) or " Job No. 1 ”(alternatively“ Job # 1 ”) is used in industry to describe the start of series production . If you look closely, it is the time of production of the first product manufactured under series conditions from series parts on series tools. The production of products before the SOP is also referred to as pre-series or pre-series production.

In the automotive industry , this date is usually chosen around 3 months before the first vehicles are delivered, as the SOP is followed by the ramp-up to the crest line. In this way, through pre-production and building up inventory, a minimum delivery capacity on the market launch date is guaranteed. The SOP is an important milestone for automotive suppliers , as a specific degree of maturity must be proven for each part by then (see below VDA QMC publications ). In addition, the entire production and delivery process, the commercial processing and the EDP connection must be secured to such an extent that the series production in large numbers can be covered by the ongoing series calls .

The counterpart to the SOP is the EOP ( End of Production ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ W. Herlyn: PPS in automobile construction. 2012, p. 204 ff.


  • Wilmjakob Herlyn: PPS in the automotive industry. Production program planning and control of vehicles and assemblies . Hanser, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-446-41370-2 .

See also

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