Static work

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The static work ( holding operation ) is a type of muscular activity . Static work is when the muscles contract isometrically . The contraction therefore does not lead to any externally visible movement .

The muscles perform static work when a certain posture is adopted and no longer changed. Simple standing or carrying an object can be mentioned as examples. Due to the ongoing contraction, the muscles are insufficiently supplied with blood . The insufficient blood flow leads to fatigue and a loss of performance.

The endurance limit is not exceeded and prevent rapid fatigue, may not be more than 10% provided personal muscle strength for the static work.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert F. Schmidth, Florian Lang, Manfred Heckmann: Physiologie des Menschen . 31st edition. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin / Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-01651-6 , pp. 872 .