Statuette of Aphrodite (NAMA 2585)

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The statue in its current position in Athens

The statuette of Aphrodite in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens ( NAMA ) with the inventory number 2585 is a Hellenistic statue of the goddess Aphrodite , which was made in the 1st century BC. Was created.

The Pentelic marble statuette , which probably shows the goddess Aphrodite , was found in 1904 near the Theseion in Athens . It has a height of 64 centimeters, which, however, does not represent the entire original size due to the missing head. The arms and left foot and part of the cloak are also missing. There are also other nicks, especially the folds of the garment. The figure is shown moving forward towards the viewer. The left foot strides forward, the right foot is behind the body's center of gravity, carries the weight and pushes the body forward. This creates a clear counter- post. The cloak, the himation , has slipped down well over the hips and, due to its tight folds, is slowly beginning to hinder the goddess's gait. Under the coat she wears a sleeveless chiton , which is belted with a rope directly under the breasts. The thin robe emphasizes the female figure rather than hiding it. Due to stylistic comparisons, the statuette was made in the 1st century BC. Dated.


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