Steamtown National Historic Site

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"Five in the Roundhouse"

The Steamtown National Historic Site , or Steamtown for short , is a railroad museum in Scranton , Pennsylvania in the United States .


Steamtown was established in 1986 by a resolution of Congress to represent the history of the American railways between 1850 and 1950. In the summer of 1995, Steamtown finally opened.

The Steamtown idea originally came from F. Nelson Blount, an American millionaire who began collecting historic railroad vehicles years before the National Historic Site opened . Since, however, after his death in 1967 in a plane crash, the funds for such a living, historic railway depot were missing, this original Steamtown project came to a standstill until it was resumed by Congress.

Museum and Collection

The museum uses the facilities of a former Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad depot . The heart of the system is a roundhouse with a turntable . In the museum premises, the visitor can admire the large number of exhibits, from rolling stock to a replica of a DL&W station building. Since several operational locomotives are stationed in Steamtown, the museum runs tours with short historical passenger trains in the museum area from spring to autumn. Longer special trips to nearby locations are also carried out.

Web links

Commons : Steamtown National Historic Site  - collection of pictures, videos, and audio files

Coordinates: 41 ° 24 ′ 26 "  N , 75 ° 40 ′ 17"  W.