Grandi quarry

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Sandstone at the Werne City Museum

The Grandi quarry is a quarry in the Ardey Mountains in Herdecke on the Ruhr . It is one of the last four quarries in the Ruhr area in which Ruhr sandstone is extracted. In 1900 the number of quarries in Herdecke alone was 20, with a total of around 300 workers. Uses are floor coverings, cover plates, block steps, staircases, window sills, grave monuments and custom-made products, up to and including use in stream renaturation . Examples are the facade of the Werne City Museum . The Grandi company goes back to the tunnel builder Felice Grandi (born 1871) from Italy, who came to Herdecke with his family in 1905. He leased the quarry; In 1945 the family bought the quarry and is the fourth generation to run it.

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Grandi: History.
  2. ^ Willi Creutzenberg: The stone carvers from Herdecke.
  3. A walk with insights in the Grandi quarry. 2018

Coordinates: 51 ° 24 ′ 41 ″  N , 7 ° 26 ′ 12.5 ″  E