Stone boxes from Francheville

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The Francheville stone boxes are located in Francheville, northwest of Dijon in the Côte-d'Or department in France . They were discovered on the crest of a narrow hill in the "Forêt de Nonceuil" in a dozen small hills and excavated by E. Guyot in the 1960s, but not published.

The stone boxes appear to have housed two or three bodies. The shape and some ceramic shards are reminiscent of the Middle Neolithic , but burials took place in the late Neolithic and Bronze Ages .

Investigations from 1998 to 2003 in four of the hills made it possible to analyze the construction of the Cairns and to determine the elements of their fixtures. The local subsoil consists of limestone , which provided the plates for the chambers and the stones. The largest were 1.5 m long.

The eastern tumulus No. 1 has a disturbed appearance. Three plates, which corresponded to the two short and one of the long sides of a stone box, were inclined sharply inward. They covered a fourth plate, which lay flat and belonged to the second long side. A female adult, approximately 35 years old, accompanied by a 10-year-old child was identified. No lithic or ceramic finds were made.

The stone box was in a pit sunk 0.6 m into the bedrock. Their plates were held in place by wedging. The dimensions of the box can be estimated at 1.6 m for the length and 1.2-1.3 m for the width. The displaced plate on the south side does not allow the dimensions to be precisely determined. The structure has a 1.2 m long, 0.50 m wide and 0.13 m thick slab in the north. The short east side consists of two overlapping plates, of which the larger one is 0.92 m long, 0.50 m wide and 0.08 m thick and the smaller one, on the north side 0.68 m long, 0.32 m wide and Is 0.12 m thick. The short west side consists of a 1.14 m long, 0.61 m wide and 0.12 m thick plate.

See also


  • Guy Martin, Pierre Buvot : Les coffres mégalithiques de la forêt de Nonceuil à Francheville (Côte-d'Or). In: Revue archéologique de l'Est. Vol. 61, No. 184, 2012, ISSN  0035-0745 , pp. 303-314, ( online ).

Coordinates: 47 ° 29 ′ 21.8 "  N , 4 ° 56 ′ 36.3"  E