Stone circles on Lakehead Hill

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Lakehead Hill stone circle with stone box

The stone circles on Lakehead Hill (also called Bellever complex) are located on the southern slope of Lakehead Hill near Postbridge in Devon in England . The National Park Dartmoor Authority has numbered every location on Lakehead Hill. A circle is near a stone circle without a box; they are numbered 12A and 13A. J. Butler names them in his "Dartmoor Atlas of Antiquities Vol. 2 - The North" - No. 5 (Cairn Circle) and No. 6 (Cairn Circle and Cist).

The top circle 5

The upper circle is about 6.8 m in diameter and surrounds an almost flat interior. It consists of 10 preserved plates (4 missing). About 40 m southeast of the circle are another 3 or 4 slabs, which are probably the remains of a row of stones . Individual plates of similar size are numerous in the vicinity.

The lower circle 6

The lower circle with a diameter of 5.6 m is 16.0 m to the southeast and also has 10 plates. The interior is taken up by the large top plate of a stone box that was excavated in 1896 but found empty. As with the upper circle, the remainder is apparently a row of stones in the southeast.

Nearby are another stone box and several cairns , hut foundations, stone boxes, circles and rows, including Lakehead Hill East .


  • Aubrey Burl: The stone circles of Britain, Ireland and Brittany . Yale University Press 2000, ISBN 0-300-08347-5 .
  • Robin Payne: The Romance of the Stones . Alexander Associates, Fowey 1999, ISBN 1-899526-21-8 .

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Coordinates: 50 ° 34'53.1 "  N , 3 ° 55'5"  W.