Stephan von Millenkovich (Colonel)

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Elevation to the nobility in 1835 by Emperor Ferdinand I (Austria)
Millenkovich family coat of arms
Appointed Colonel April 19, 1841

Stephan von Millenkovich (born October 26, 1785 in Pozarevac ( Serbia ), † March 18, 1863 in Vienna ) was an officer, lieutenant colonel of the Brooder Border Infantry Regiment No. 7 and from 1841 kk colonel under Emperor Ferdinand I (Austria) .


Stephan von Millenkovich decided on a military career at an early age.

From first lieutenant to captain he was promoted to major in 1833.

Stephan von Millenkovich was raised to the nobility on September 17, 1835 by Emperor Ferdinand I (Austria).

He served as a lieutenant colonel in the Brooder Border Infantry Regiment No. 7 and was appointed, appointed and elevated to colonel by Emperor Ferdinand I (Austria) on April 19, 1841.

The well-known poet Stephan von Millenkovich (pseud. Stephan Milow) came from the marriage with Maria von Millenkovich (née Pausz ).

Awards and honors

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