Stephanos II. (Constantinople)

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Stephanos II. Was Patriarch of Constantinople (925–927 / 28).


Stephanos was Metropolitan of Amaseos. On June 29, 925 he was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople. Johannes Skylitzes reported in his chronicle that Emperor Romanos I wanted to make his then seven-year-old son Theophylactus a patriarch when he reached the required age and was looking for a candidate for transition.

Stephanos was mentioned in 928 (October 8th?) In a peace treaty between the Byzantine emperor and the Bulgarian tsar. He died on July 19, 927 (or July 15, 928).


  • Johannes Skylitzes : Chronicle. In: Ioannis Scylitzae Synopsis historiarum. de Gruyter, Berlin 1973
predecessor Office successor
Nicholas I. Patriarch of Constantinople