Stephen Keene

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Stephen Keene (* around 1640 in the county of Oxfordshire , † after 1719) was an English instrument maker . He made harpsichords , spinets and virginals in his workshop in London . In addition, many students came from his workshop who later worked as important instrument makers themselves. B. Abraham Richardson, Robert Smith, John Harris, Leonard Dutton, Richard Vesey, Edward Blunt, Thomas Barton and Charles Brackley. He became a member of the Guild Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers in 1662 and was its master from 1704 to 1705.

Preserved instruments

Individual evidence

  1. Steve Morris: The Stephen Keene Workshops . In: , accessed on August 19, 2017 (PDF; 1.18 MB).
  2. Stephen Keene's virginal in the Russell Collection. Retrieved August 19, 2017.
  3. ^ Spinett on the Musical Instrument Museums Online page . Retrieved August 19, 2017.
  4. ^ Spinet in the National Gallery of Victoria. Retrieved August 19, 2017.

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