Characteristic number

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In the mathematical field of algebraic topology , characteristic numbers are defined by applying combinations of characteristic classes to the fundamental class of a manifold . Pontryagin numbers and Stiefel-Whitney numbers are of particular importance .

Boots Whitney Figures

Let it be a -dimensional differentiable manifold and its tangential bundle . For every partition of (i.e. every decomposition as the sum of positive integers) one has a Stiefel-Whitney number


where the -th Stiefel-Whitney class of the tangential bundle denotes the cup product , the fundamental class and the Kronecker pairing .

Pontryagin numbers

Let it be an orientable , -dimensional, differentiable manifold and its tangential bundle . For every partition of one has a Pontryagin number


where the -th Pontryagin class of the tangential bundle denotes the cup product, the fundamental class and the Kronecker pairing.


  • John Milnor , James Stasheff : Characteristic classes. Annals of Mathematics Studies, No. 76. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ; University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 1974.