Stop eating

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Stop eating is a traditional parlor game among children . It is played during a communal meal . Usually a children's birthday is the occasion.

The following rules apply to the game: Everyone seated at the dining table takes turns and gives a command. Depending on the command, all players must now perform a certain action or adopt a certain behavior. This state lasts until the person giving the order says "continue".

Canonical commands

Autobahn : You eat as fast as you can.

Bauer: Everyone is adopting more rustic manners and speaking at increased volume.

High-rise: people continue to eat while standing on the chair.

Cellar or mouse: You will continue to eat under the table.

Grandma: The players imitate a stereotypical grandma: Tatterig, complaining about the youth and speaking in a shaky voice .

Princess or Fine Lady : In contrast to Bauer, there is exaggerated politeness and orderliness. A favorite command of the parents.

Snail : The opposite of Autobahn .

Smurf: " The song of the Smurfs " ("La la la lala-lala la la ...") is played.

Tip stop: This popular command commands the movement made in the last half a second to be repeated continuously.

Stop: All players must stop all movements as if frozen.

Gas station: All players are only allowed to drink something when this command is given.

Fire department: All players drink as much as they can.


  • Sometimes the birthday child or the player who gave the current command is exempt from complying with the commands.
  • It happens that parents forbid those commands that seriously disrupt the course of the meal.
  • The scope of the commands is only limited by the imagination of the players. There are also regional differences.
