Strategic Resources Group

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The Strategic Resources Group (SRG) was a holding company for the private security and military company Executive Outcomes . The company had a division in South Africa ( Pretoria ) and one in the United Kingdom (UK), which in turn had stakes in other companies in several African countries. Although the parties involved always denied that the companies had a closer relationship, they worked closely together. In some cases, these were also legally independent companies, with their headquarters in different tax havens, but with the same office address and telephone number in London and a very similar composition of the board of directors.

Executives-Outcomes missions often made use of the services of the air transport company Ibis Air , as well as the medical emergency capacities of RANGOL Medical. Although it has always been denied, it is assumed that there is a connection with mines and the like that were first occupied by executive outcomes for a client, shortly afterwards the mining companies of the SRG received a license. At times the conglomerate had prospecting rights for gold, diamonds and other mineral raw materials in six African countries, the diamond concession alone was valued at USD 3 billion .

It also turned out several times that in operations for which Sandline International , also a military company belonging to the holding company, was hired, these Executive Outcomes were hired as subcontractors and actually fought on the ground as their troops.

Corporate network South Africa

The SRG corporate network in South Africa included:

  • Executive outcomes
  • Cross Swords Holdings (Pty) Ltd
  • OPM support systems (crime investigation and intelligence activities)
  • Saracen (security company - Angola / Uganda / South Africa)
  • Ibis Air / Ibis Ltd (air transport)
  • Capricorn Systems - 50%
  • Branch Mining Ltd (Angola - 40%)
  • Trans Africa Logistics (Pty) Ltd - 100% (Logistics)
  • RANGOL Medical (Pty) Ltd & Stuart Mills (Medical Care)
  • Military Technical Services (MTS) (Military Logistics)
  • Gemini Video Productions (Music & Video)
  • Shibata Ltd - 60%
  • Advanced Systems Communication Ltd (Telecommunications)
  • New Africa Informatics (Pty) Ltd
  • Livingstone Tourists (Tourism)
  • The Explorer (Travel & Tourism)
  • Steelpact & Falconer Systems (equipment)
  • Aquanova Ltd - 33.3% (Zambia, expedition equipment)


The SRG corporate network UK included:

  • Ranger Oil (oil)
  • Premier Consolidated
  • Heritage Oil (oil)
  • Branch Energy (oil and gas)
  • Branch Minerals (minerals)
  • Branch International
  • DiamondWorks (diamonds)
  • Ibis Air International (air charter)
  • Capricorn Systems Ltd
  • Sandline International (private security and military company)
  • Hansard International
  • Grunberg Management
  • Plaza 107 Ltd


  • Khareen Pech: Executive Outcomes - a corporatice Conquest in: Jakkie Cilliers and Peggy Mason: Peace, Profitor Plunder ?: The Privatization of Security in War-torn African Societies. Institute for Security Studies pp. 83-109 (PDF; 98 kB)