Amount in dispute for administrative jurisdiction

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The value in dispute catalog for administrative jurisdiction is a compilation of non-binding values ​​in dispute for administrative jurisdiction .


The amounts in dispute, the assessment basis of the court fees and the legal attorney's fees are arranged according to the subject matter of the proceedings (content); they are preceded by a general part, which is arranged according to procedural situations. They complement the rudimentary legal fees required by law.


In order to prevent the practice of assessing the amount in dispute, which is often not related to individual cases, on the one hand, and in the case of similar disputes between the courts, on the other hand, to prevent the assessment of the amount in dispute in proceedings of general administrative jurisdiction, which differ greatly, judges at the Federal Administrative Court and the Higher Administrative Courts or Administrative Courts drafted a value catalog. The first catalog of the amounts in dispute was published in 1991. Adjustments in the following years led to the publication of new versions in 1996 and 2004. The current version takes into account the changes decided on July 18, 2013.


  • Horst Bräutigam: Assessment of the amount in dispute in administrative court proceedings , in: NVwZ 1989, pp. 1022 to 1026.
  • Horst Sendler : On the draft of a disputed value catalog for administrative jurisdiction , in: NVwZ 1989, pp. 1041 and 1042.
  • Manfred-Carl Schinkel : Value catalog for administrative jurisdiction , in: NVwZ 1991, p. 1156 to 1160.
  • Amount in dispute for administrative jurisdiction: Version 1996 , in: NVwZ 1996, pp. 563 to 567.
  • Amount in dispute for administrative jurisdiction: Version 7/2004 , in: NVwZ 2004, pp. 1327 to 1332.

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