String work shirt

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String work shirt
Paraguay string armor.jpg
Weapon type: armor
Designations: String work shirt
Use: Protective weapon
Region of origin /
Paraguay , ethnic groups from Paraguay
Distribution: Paraguay
Lists on the subject

The string work shirt is an armored shirt with the function of a protective vest that has been proven by the Toósle (also: Tóóthli), an indigenous people in the western Gran Chaco .

The material for the sleeveless , such as waist length garment has been completely without technical aids spun and as a 3 * 3-multi ply twisted together and can in several colors stained be. The fiber used was called caraguatá and comes from different species of the subfamily of the Bromelioideae (bromeliads and pineapples). The fabric produced from this cord or cord is very dense and rep-like . Such a mail shirt can be decorated with light-dark triangular and diamond patterns in ribbons.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b W. Barbrooke Grubb: An unknown people in an unknown land. An account of the life and customs of the Lengua Indians of the Paraguayan Chaco, with adventures and experiences met with during twenty years' pioneering and exploration amongst them . Seeley, London 1911, p. 68
  2. About plant species of the Chaco, Spanish
  3. Showpiece Paraguay String work shirt in the Pitt Rivers Museum , inventory no. 1908.25.2 English, accessed December 23, 2011