Deltopectoral sulcus

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The deltopectoral sulcus is a muscle furrow between the pectoralis major muscle and the deltoideus muscle in the shoulder area. The sulcus deltoideopectoralis is the distal continuation of the Mohrenheim pit ( Trigonum clavipectorale or Fossa infraclavicularis ) and continues further distally into the lateral biceps groove ( Sulcus bicipitalis lateralis ).

The deltopectoral sulcus is covered by the superficial pectoral fascia. The coracoid process of the shoulder blade can be easily felt in it. In addition, the cephalic vein and the deltoid branch of the thoracoacromial artery run in it .


Walter Thiel: Photographic atlas of practical anatomy. Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition 2005, ISBN 9783540312420 , p. 662.